[ Who we are ]

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CO2 Management AS
(org. nr. 922 634 149)
Hopsnesvegen 127, 5232 Paradis, NO   

CO2 Management is a Norwegian company dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for carbon management and clean energy investments, aiming to combat global warming and foster a sustainable energy transition​

Service offerings

We handle all aspects of carbon dioxide management. This includes large-scale CO2 logistics and the whole value-chain leading to safe storage. To facilitate the process, we provide turnkey infrastructure solutions and advisory on carbon dioxide related topics.

Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our mission

Our mission is to mitigate global warming by fostering low-carbon technologies and promoting clean energy solutions. We are committed to driving a sustainable energy transition by reducing carbon emissions of hard-to-abate industries, through tailored, innovative, and cost-effective solutions.

Our vision

To build sustainable and prosperous societies.

Our values


We uphold responsibility in every action, ensuring ethical decision-making and ownership. Our responsible conduct not only aids in averting the adverse impacts of climate change but also enhances our clients' operations sustainably.


We value transparency and openness, cultivating strong relationships and trust. Our commitment to open communication and accessibility fosters a seamless integration within communities and societies.

Sustainably Innovative

We place innovation at the heart of our operations, incessantly seeking customer-centric, sustainable, and creative solutions to meet our clients' needs while reducing their impact on climate change.


We encourage collaboration across teams, customers, and partners to solve complex problems. Our diverse experiences, competencies, and knowledge inspire creativity, drive innovation, and deliver superior results.

Management Team


Dr. Torsten Porwol


Sølve Nilsen
Chairman of the Board

Brede Bjøvad Larsen
Board Member

Our Partners

We invest in and partner with several companies in the handling of CO2 (CCS & CCUS) and alternative energy production. We encourage collaboration across teams and partnerships to provide tailored environmental solutions to our customers.

We are constantly searching for growth and partnership opportunities to reach the targets set by the Paris Agreement. For more information, visit our contact page.

Petrolia SE

We are a Petrolia SE wholly-owned subsidiary. Petrolia SE has two business segments: Exploration & Production (E&P) and Energy Services. Petrolia SE owns a group of leading rental equipment companies for the global energy industry. It also owns 49.9% of Petrolia NOCO AS, an independent oil & gas company approved as an Operator on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Coast Center Base

We have a close partnership with the Coast Center Base (CCB), which allows us to find industrial space for innovative technology companies that use CO2 as raw material for synthetic chemistry or biochemical processes. Our existing and upcoming investments with CCB build assets that are essential for technology companies producing CO2 and hydrogen. The existing infrastructure and knowledge make CCB an ideal partner for scale-up processes and large-scale production dedicated to the global market. The logistic infrastructure at the CCB location is excellent with ice-free access, and well-educated technical personnel can be hired from the second largest city in Norway.

Petrolia noco

Petrolia NOCO AS operates as an independent oil and gas company. Approved as an Operator on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, it focuses on exploration and production, integrating advanced technologies and sustainable practices. 


Our office is located between Bergen International Airport (BGO) and the city center of Bergen, Hopsnesvegen 127, 5232 Paradis, Norway

What we do